The Growth & Income core portfolio type is designed to target moderate growth opportunities normally associated with a 40% / 60% Debt / Equity opportunity mix. The Growth & Income core portfolio type adds “balance” to a portfolio as it includes positions that generate income, positions that provide growth of assets, and positions that seek long term capital preservation. Growth & Income utilizes ‘passive’ or Index Low Cost, No Load and Closed-ended mutual funds and ETFs mirroring broad market indices, as well as, “best-in-class,” actively managed , Low Cost, No Load mutual funds and ETFs.
The Growth & Income core portfolio type reallocates to the ‘best’ market opportunities among a more limited opportunity set to reduce portfolio volatility. It additionally includes GuardRail Technology for risk management in extended market downturns. Maybe utilized as 100% of an investor’s portfolio or supplemented with other core portfolio types. (note: the 360portfolios methodology strives to manage risk of loss but there is no guarantee of it being successful or in the losses being only short term.)