The AGGroMax core portfolio type targets top performing market sectors using ETF’s and low cost, no load Mutual funds. It is designed around a 130% Long, 30% Short portfolio structure employing, at certain times, up to 50% Leverage and/or Short Selling (or Inverse funds) in an attempt to capture superior returns. AGGroMax may have concentrated positions adding a non-diversified dimension to portfolios. This core portfolio may also have greater transaction activity and turnover. It is therefore most suited for Aggressive investors willing to accept greater account value swings, greater portfolio turnover, and greater short term losses for the potential of superior, long term returns.
AGGroMax includes GuardRail Technology for risk management in extended market downturns. However because of the inherent volitility of AGGroMax’s sector holdings, risk tolerance for this portfolio is set permitting higher than market portfolio volatility. This core portfolio type is best utilized as a part of a portfolio and for aggressive growth investors who do not have a need for current income, who have long term investment horizons with no need for liquidity or current income, and who can accept short term loss of principal. (note: the 360portfolios methodology strives to manage risk of loss but there is no guarantee of it being successful or in the losses being only short term.)